Friday, April 11, 2008

My resolve…My purpose!!!

Why have thou forsaken me?

Why is there pain where there should be strength?

It's high time I made a decision.

Mourning may indeed endure for the night but joy comes in the morning!

In my opinion, its about time those words become more than words.

People want reality not words.

However reality isn't variably independent.

It is a by-product of something else.

Nothing becomes real unless we make it to be.

Nothing can be more real than what we perceive or make ourselves see.

So I blind myself to the negativities that surround me without excluding them from consideration.

Thick scales rooted in the Word block my sight and all I see is what I see.

All that's real to me is the Word.

And if I dare say, Christ is the Word.

Nothing matters more. Nothing drives close to home than this: Christ and Him Crucified!

So when I face adversity, my strength is not in me but in Him.

When troubles come my way, my hope lies not in this world but in the Holy Spirit.

Do you care to know what I say to the impossible and the seemingly unreal? Have you any idea to second guess my conditioned response to the uncontrollable stimuli that fills this worldly sphere? Will you dare underrate my dreams as mere figments of imaginations?

Well you can try, and try you will.

This is my resolve. Though my eyes are red and my heart, milestone-heavy of pain and sorrow, I choose to believe, and believe I shall. God hasn't seen any like this. A broken-down, death-trodden infant who holds on to Him when many would have called it quits.

Jesus I believe!

Help my unbelief!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

New Beginnings!

Told me once not to despise new beginnings

Why should I hope in what always is recurring?

If I ever be counted as a righteous man who falls

Though I be not one, duty calls

At the road side where my step is lost

To go to the start is such a dreadful cost

At the spot on the wayside where I failed

There I must continue be I frailed

Beginnings may be essential and vital

Continuance is indispensable; the without is lethal!