Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wings of the Wind


Do listen to the whispers of faded time

As it courses through – running past us

You hear it!

You feel it!

You see it!

It overtakes without aiding…

But oh Beloved….do listen!

Thou knowest not the Source…

Where it goest…Where it comest from!

Certainly, it comes!

It waits not for your bid.

You don't have to compel!

It comes.

Surely, it does!

You know why? The reason is simple! It carries Someone! The water suddenly ripples up waves. The peace of the clouds is disrupted!

Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind!!!

The Lord Jehovah! Behold Him! He comes!

Sorry I haven't updated my website recently.
Guess what?- I just finished my first book. Its fiction rapped around historical setting. The name is

The Lion of Africa I: Wings of the Wind.

You can actually read an excerpt about it online to see if it stirs your interest and its only $18.69 online. Can you pls read the description and excerpt online for me? Not to blow my horn but it is a wonderful book cos it took a lot from me and I feel a part of me slumbers within its confines.
Click here: Lion of Africa I: Wings of the Wind

I will really appreciate your criticism and views and will look forward to hearing from you soon.