Echoing in the darkness as i walked on by, with mud all over and tears smudged on my face, i wander on, without destination nor purpose, was the sound of coming hell . Life was amiss and i kept on wondering, " what benefit do i attain, serving Him? the one who walks on the wings of the wind?"In the beginning, i remembered making a summon to Wordmen for support and it doesn't strike u any harder than this- " alone in a foreign land, no one to encourage, no one to hold" and there it hits u that indeed every man walks alone in his valley of the shadow of death!The owl hoots. The frog croaks. The cricket sound fills the night, and as my leg hits a twig, i cry out to Him, " my God, my God! why has thou forsaken me? why is my soul nigh unto death? why is my flesh to become meat for things i have dominion over? why are u so far from helping me?;i cry in the daytime but u do not hear. Now the night has come and death looms so strongly, clinging to the still darkness and still, i am not silent".
Suddenly, a twig snaps not too far behind me and i knew,there and then, it has come.Turning my head i cried; " Out of the depths, i cried unto u oh lord, please hear my voice, let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication. If thou lord should mark iniquities, who shall stand?, but there is forgiveness in thee that thou may be feared. I wait for the lord, my soul waits and in His word do i hope".How ironic it is that in the midst of terrible fear and discomfort, there lies the carnage of strength; in the midst of immediate and threatening siege, there comes boldness to look into the eyes of fate, and declare faith;-
" for His sake we are killed all day long; as sheep for the slaughter. Yet in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us". And as it leaps into the air to devour its prey, i proclaimed- "i am persuaded, neither life nor death, angels or dark powers, things high or low, things present or future, NOTHING shall be able to separate us from the LOVE OF GOD which is in CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD".
And suddenly, there was calm!... And with eyes closed, i felt the sting of light, as the sun overshadowed me with its radiance and my eyes adjusted to my surrounding, Lo and behold, before me was an outstretched land, full of green, waterfall not to far left, songbird crying out to God as the blue sky blanketed the horizon in an ecstatic and breathtaking beauty!
Echoing in the mountains were words not evoked but uttered as my throat exclaimed-
"my God, my God, how great thou art"!!!