If you could understand the complexities of life, the woundings of circumstances, the inexplicables of life's occurrences, would you still be human?
If you could choose the soul of a god for yourself and hold the power to will the scepter of control or trudge on the hot sands as mortal, weak and contemptible, what would it be?
If you could afford lavishes of liberty and merry in the pool of improvidence or be subjective to the Unseen and acknowledge incompleteness, what would you buy?
What callest thou a man who claims godhood?
What callest thou a god who bears manhood?
Why do legends and myths claim the insatiable constancies of gods mingling with men? Is it a tale of endless desires or soul-cries of man to have gods inhabit their world?
If divinity is clothed in mortality, and mortality now bears the DNA traces of divinity, then what are we-gods on earth?
If…only if….
If you're capable of impossibilities and have been fed with ordinaries, aren't you a little bit curious to explore and unlock those potentials?
If the Creator, with the power to destroy and re-create chooses to love and save, would you be glad you got a chance to live?
If you could be shown and still retain the power to choose, would you agree?
Pictures, frames, stories, proofs, wonders, beauties, are all I offer!!!
Let's walk through the twenty-second Psalm and behold the understandings of the mysteries…