It is such a beautiful word.
So profound and yet so simple.
You don't need an education to know what it means. It can be proven, if you dare to know, that even the individual who has never had any form of education has in his or her finite mind a concept of forever.
Isn't it weird that you could define a word and still be thrown overboard by its exploration? How peaceful we feel when we keep words as transient as it shouldn't and then move on without taking a break to dig deeper. I remember a scripture that even the atheist knows yet it has caused dissension amongst the body of Christ believers.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
You see everyone is fine until they get to the last two words:
If you've ever appraised and embraced what these two words mean then I'll stop my weary hands and rest my caring mind from helping you see what forever means.
To understand everlasting life is to understand forever.
So if you want to keep it simple so will I.
If you rather not go deeper, out of the fear of making things more confusing and avoid arguments then I'll take this walk with you.
Simple truth: You may never have fully understood what John 3:16 is until you take forever as simple and as powerful it is.
So you say forever means to last always.
Alright then.
John 3:16 says if you believe in Christ then you'll live for always.
Simple and Guaranteed.
Eternal life. Everlasting. Forever.
Do you want to keep things simple and avoid strife,
then occasionally dwell on God's words cos there's none better;
believe in Christ and have eternal life,
then dwell in the House of the Lord FOREVER!!!