I thought of how best to dignify the Lord with one of the rarest, most beautiful, artistic write-up about His shepherdry (if there is such a word), but the Holy Spirit hit me with a bombshell: no human vocabulary can ever qualify the selfless sacrifice; the loving grace; the encompassing shadow of His watch as the Lord of our lives. My intent is to try and delve deep into the unrevealed mystery of Psalm 23 and try to feast upon the deciphered keys of Christ – our Lord and our Shepherd.
The Lord is my Shepherd!
Eternity is quite challenged by my loss of counts of the times I’ve read this particular Psalm without stopping for a second to ponder on its treasury or be engulfed by its richness of Truth.
Eternity is quite challenged by my loss of counts of the times I’ve read this particular Psalm without stopping for a second to ponder on its treasury or be engulfed by its richness of Truth.
The Lord is my Shepherd!
I remember, not too long ago, when I would see, from time to time, nomads who would travel far and wide to find enough feeds for their cattle and sheep. From a distance, it seemed their lives were totally dependent on the welfare of their herds. When night would come they would build hatches and watch the herds with their lives. If there be, by any chance, a predator in search of fresh meat, it would have to go through these nomads who equate the lives of their animals with the cost of theirs.
I remember, not too long ago, when I would see, from time to time, nomads who would travel far and wide to find enough feeds for their cattle and sheep. From a distance, it seemed their lives were totally dependent on the welfare of their herds. When night would come they would build hatches and watch the herds with their lives. If there be, by any chance, a predator in search of fresh meat, it would have to go through these nomads who equate the lives of their animals with the cost of theirs.
The Lord is my Shepherd!
It’s quite remarkable how such a simple story could hold such great ounces of foolishness that defies the mightiest of worldly wisdoms. There hasn’t been any well-written story by the profoundest of script writers that has such resounding wellsprings of life like the story above: an unknown African nomad who watches his sheep with his life.
It’s quite remarkable how such a simple story could hold such great ounces of foolishness that defies the mightiest of worldly wisdoms. There hasn’t been any well-written story by the profoundest of script writers that has such resounding wellsprings of life like the story above: an unknown African nomad who watches his sheep with his life.
The Lord is my Shepherd!
Now I know what stirred the mind of David when, by the inspiration of the Spirit, penned down these great words: The Lord is my Shepherd. Why wouldn’t he when it was The Lord who saved him from the mouth of the bear in the fields; why wouldn’t he when it was the Lord who provoked him to pursue the beast that took his sheep from its shelter.
Now I know what stirred the mind of David when, by the inspiration of the Spirit, penned down these great words: The Lord is my Shepherd. Why wouldn’t he when it was The Lord who saved him from the mouth of the bear in the fields; why wouldn’t he when it was the Lord who provoked him to pursue the beast that took his sheep from its shelter.
The Lord is my Shepherd!
There are no complexities in this! Dwell on its simplicity. Christ will watch over you. Why? He is your Lord. It comes natural for the Spirit to guide and love you. Why? He is your Shepherd.
I sleep with such sweet release! I slumber at His watch! My heart rests because I know, without a doubt, the Lord watches; the Lord saves!
There are no complexities in this! Dwell on its simplicity. Christ will watch over you. Why? He is your Lord. It comes natural for the Spirit to guide and love you. Why? He is your Shepherd.
I sleep with such sweet release! I slumber at His watch! My heart rests because I know, without a doubt, the Lord watches; the Lord saves!
The Lord is my Shepherd!!!
The Prisoner of Christ