Wednesday, October 01, 2008

What Is It To You

What is it to you?

When anything of value loses its substance

When the winds fail to make one tree dance

What is it to you?

When the one you love does not reciprocate

When you'd rather punish than emancipate

What is it to you?

When the wicked prosper and I hold out on judgment

When my name is continuously defied and I do not comment

What is it to you?

When evil becometh of the land and justice comes not

When the path to rightness is not sought

What is it to you?

When I justify where I must condemn

Let a repented sinner into heaven

What is it to you?

I am God and there is none other

When you and me even I cannot sunder

What is it to you

Friday, September 05, 2008


Burden is such a word I can identify with

It's quite ironic that the Word bears a burden forthwith

Course through the breeze whistling by and do wonder if there is such a burden

For the word is as the breeze, if not lighter

But those who have been bruised, lifted by the word;

Those who have been abdicated, crowned by more than this two-edged sword

Can testify; raise their hands to signify their concord –

There is such a burden in word!

Unfortunately, the consensus reveals the norm in the abundance of our hearts;

Our lips are rarely opened before words of conceit, anger, hate, and evil are voiced.

Commanded myself to stop for the list is endless of heavy burdens – milestones they are – that leave our mouths only to hang over another and drown them in the wiles of life!

So if you know nothing of a burden, you know that of any word!

Before thou cling so easily to the heaviness of ours, challenge thy open-mindedness for another word that holds light is blowing through!

Though its lightness is a burden but be comforted, its yoke is easy and its burden is indeed light!

Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I shall give you rest!

This is the burden of Christ:

Believe and be redeemed!

Be saved once and for all!

So simple!

So easy!

Yet a burden –





Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The LORD possessed me in
the beginning
of his way, before his works of old.

If you ask me, all I know about ‘the beginning’ is that God created the heavens and the earth…

If you tell me otherwise, all I have to say is I totally respect your volition to have, and to hold, such a notion, whatever it may be.

If you ask me about possession, all I’ll say is I often respond to such a word with caution and a little fright of the unknown taking my known.

If you ask me of works of old, all I’ll say is David speaks of being young and later old, yet have not seen the righteous forsaken. He definitely knows about the works of old but me, the more I know is the more I need to know.

So let’s revisit that marvelous scripture, put the pieces together.


What do we have here?

With great caution and fright of the unknown inhabiting my known; the unknown that created the majesty of the heavens and the earth, though, I be young, and knowest nothing, his works of old was attested by King David…and one affirmation from the one after God’s own heart is enough to let go of all my inhibitions and take in the one who defies my bounds with His boundlessness, erupts my confines with his vastness, reveals the sweet joy in fearlessness…

So let Him possess me in my beginning
(the same way He must have in Jesus’ case),
and open my eyes to my destiny before my form took shape in the hourglass of time.

You have no idea!

Wait and See!

You ask me if it’s possible...If it’s true?
Well….So let’s….

Monday, July 21, 2008



Hi Everyone,

I am extremely grateful for the encouragement and support that you have given, even by merely reading my postings and responding to it as deemed fit. My official website is

You can click on the wings of the wind and read more about the description and also the excerpt. Afterwards, you can go ahead to purchase your copy. For readers in Nigeria, I'm working out a way to get the books available for you guys. It's going to take a little while but God if faithful.
New postings will be simultaneously posted on here and on my new website as I gradually move all my writings to
Great things are bound to happen to those who live by faith, and not by sight.

Grace and Peace,
Olushile Akintade

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wings of the Wind


Do listen to the whispers of faded time

As it courses through – running past us

You hear it!

You feel it!

You see it!

It overtakes without aiding…

But oh Beloved….do listen!

Thou knowest not the Source…

Where it goest…Where it comest from!

Certainly, it comes!

It waits not for your bid.

You don't have to compel!

It comes.

Surely, it does!

You know why? The reason is simple! It carries Someone! The water suddenly ripples up waves. The peace of the clouds is disrupted!

Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind!!!

The Lord Jehovah! Behold Him! He comes!

Sorry I haven't updated my website recently.
Guess what?- I just finished my first book. Its fiction rapped around historical setting. The name is

The Lion of Africa I: Wings of the Wind.

You can actually read an excerpt about it online to see if it stirs your interest and its only $18.69 online. Can you pls read the description and excerpt online for me? Not to blow my horn but it is a wonderful book cos it took a lot from me and I feel a part of me slumbers within its confines.
Click here: Lion of Africa I: Wings of the Wind

I will really appreciate your criticism and views and will look forward to hearing from you soon.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Understanding the Mysteries

If you could understand the complexities of life, the woundings of circumstances, the inexplicables of life's occurrences, would you still be human?

If you could choose the soul of a god for yourself and hold the power to will the scepter of control or trudge on the hot sands as mortal, weak and contemptible, what would it be?

If you could afford lavishes of liberty and merry in the pool of improvidence or be subjective to the Unseen and acknowledge incompleteness, what would you buy?

What callest thou a man who claims godhood?

What callest thou a god who bears manhood?

Why do legends and myths claim the insatiable constancies of gods mingling with men? Is it a tale of endless desires or soul-cries of man to have gods inhabit their world?

If divinity is clothed in mortality, and mortality now bears the DNA traces of divinity, then what are we-gods on earth?

If…only if….

If you're capable of impossibilities and have been fed with ordinaries, aren't you a little bit curious to explore and unlock those potentials?

If the Creator, with the power to destroy and re-create chooses to love and save, would you be glad you got a chance to live?

If you could be shown and still retain the power to choose, would you agree?

Pictures, frames, stories, proofs, wonders, beauties, are all I offer!!!

Let's walk through the twenty-second Psalm and behold the understandings of the mysteries…

Friday, April 11, 2008

My resolve…My purpose!!!

Why have thou forsaken me?

Why is there pain where there should be strength?

It's high time I made a decision.

Mourning may indeed endure for the night but joy comes in the morning!

In my opinion, its about time those words become more than words.

People want reality not words.

However reality isn't variably independent.

It is a by-product of something else.

Nothing becomes real unless we make it to be.

Nothing can be more real than what we perceive or make ourselves see.

So I blind myself to the negativities that surround me without excluding them from consideration.

Thick scales rooted in the Word block my sight and all I see is what I see.

All that's real to me is the Word.

And if I dare say, Christ is the Word.

Nothing matters more. Nothing drives close to home than this: Christ and Him Crucified!

So when I face adversity, my strength is not in me but in Him.

When troubles come my way, my hope lies not in this world but in the Holy Spirit.

Do you care to know what I say to the impossible and the seemingly unreal? Have you any idea to second guess my conditioned response to the uncontrollable stimuli that fills this worldly sphere? Will you dare underrate my dreams as mere figments of imaginations?

Well you can try, and try you will.

This is my resolve. Though my eyes are red and my heart, milestone-heavy of pain and sorrow, I choose to believe, and believe I shall. God hasn't seen any like this. A broken-down, death-trodden infant who holds on to Him when many would have called it quits.

Jesus I believe!

Help my unbelief!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

New Beginnings!

Told me once not to despise new beginnings

Why should I hope in what always is recurring?

If I ever be counted as a righteous man who falls

Though I be not one, duty calls

At the road side where my step is lost

To go to the start is such a dreadful cost

At the spot on the wayside where I failed

There I must continue be I frailed

Beginnings may be essential and vital

Continuance is indispensable; the without is lethal!

Monday, February 25, 2008


Mr. No-Change looks like everybody else: a large barrel containing something, or sometimes, nothing. Mr. No-Change fits perfectly in the first category, which is of those who contain something. He is always full of something and seems to enjoy whatever fills him at various points in time. Whenever its time to uncork the tap and let go for a refill of something else, Mr. No-Change reveals his true form and cleaves on without letting go.
I approached him one day and asked him do you believe in Christ? He said Yes, of course I do. I asked him do you feel content with this world and how things are? He answered me and said as long as he gets his fill then the world is a perfect place to be.
In the other side of the city lives Mr. Passing-By. He's regarded as the dumbest fool of the city. Whenever you need anything, just go to Mr. Passing-By and ask him. As long as it is within his possession he will gladly give it to you. Remember what I said earlier, about everyone being a barrel? Well, he also is filled with something all the time. The only difference is that he gladly turns the tap and let go to fill other's needs. The weirdest thing I've ever heard is that no matter how much you take from him, he seems to have his barrel full in the next instant.
I asked him one day how is it that you let go of things so easily? He said that since he has no home and travels a lot, he might as well lighten his load as he moves from city to city. My brows ruffled up as I looked at him puzzled. He went on to explain that his refill comes every second and the earlier he lets go the better. When he turned to refill some opportunist I asked him will he be travelling soon. He said he's been travelling his whole life and has no intent to stop. His home isn't here and will move on to another city very soon.
So tell me who will be ready to let go of his skin and get a new one when Jesus comes? Who will be more than happy at His return?
Which one describes you exactly?
Oops! I forgot to tell you.
Mr. Passing-By is also a christian just like Mr. No-Change.


Thursday, February 07, 2008

You Can Try

Smother me

Or let me be.

Numb my senses

Sure try lowering my fences.

You could try to beat it

But you can never win it.

Shatter my defense

And behold a new offense.

Dare to make me starve

There's something you'll never have.

Cause me to sin.

I have another chance to begin.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


It is such a beautiful word.

So profound and yet so simple.

You don't need an education to know what it means. It can be proven, if you dare to know, that even the individual who has never had any form of education has in his or her finite mind a concept of forever.

Isn't it weird that you could define a word and still be thrown overboard by its exploration? How peaceful we feel when we keep words as transient as it shouldn't and then move on without taking a break to dig deeper. I remember a scripture that even the atheist knows yet it has caused dissension amongst the body of Christ believers.

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

You see everyone is fine until they get to the last two words:


If you've ever appraised and embraced what these two words mean then I'll stop my weary hands and rest my caring mind from helping you see what forever means.

To understand everlasting life is to understand forever.

So if you want to keep it simple so will I.

If you rather not go deeper, out of the fear of making things more confusing and avoid arguments then I'll take this walk with you.

Simple truth: You may never have fully understood what John 3:16 is until you take forever as simple and as powerful it is.

So you say forever means to last always.

Alright then.

John 3:16 says if you believe in Christ then you'll live for always.

Simple and Guaranteed.

Eternal life. Everlasting. Forever.

Do you want to keep things simple and avoid strife,

then occasionally dwell on God's words cos there's none better;

believe in Christ and have eternal life,

then dwell in the House of the Lord FOREVER!!!