Burden is such a word I can identify with
It's quite ironic that the Word bears a burden forthwith
Course through the breeze whistling by and do wonder if there is such a burden
For the word is as the breeze, if not lighter
But those who have been bruised, lifted by the word;
Those who have been abdicated, crowned by more than this two-edged sword
Can testify; raise their hands to signify their concord –
There is such a burden in word!
Unfortunately, the consensus reveals the norm in the abundance of our hearts;
Our lips are rarely opened before words of conceit, anger, hate, and evil are voiced.
Commanded myself to stop for the list is endless of heavy burdens – milestones they are – that leave our mouths only to hang over another and drown them in the wiles of life!
So if you know nothing of a burden, you know that of any word!
Before thou cling so easily to the heaviness of ours, challenge thy open-mindedness for another word that holds light is blowing through!
Though its lightness is a burden but be comforted, its yoke is easy and its burden is indeed light!
Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I shall give you rest!
This is the burden of Christ:
Believe and be redeemed!
Be saved once and for all!
So simple!
So easy!
Yet a burden –